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Topic: The Meaning of Life.
Is there one?
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Ministries of Life research and understanding comes from the life experience of our founder Rob Harris acknowledging with grateful thanks teaching, preaching and pastoral guidance from Rev. Stanley Jebb. Pastors John and Doreen Davies. Pastor Christina Emmanuel. Virtual teaching acknowledgement: F. B.Meyer (1847-1929), John Lennox, Andrew Wommack, R T Kendall. John Piper, David Jeremiah and many friends. God’s Holy Spirit, the teacher, without whom none of the above would have blessed my life.
Contributors to Ministries of Life adhere to particular statements within The Westminster Confession
Recommended to give you the knowledge to make up your mind about the most important issue of life.
Available from Amazon and all reputable bookshops.
Did the Resurrection Happen? - Gary Habermas.
Can Science Explain Everything? - John Lennox.
More Than a Theory - Dr. Hugh Ross.
Is God Real? - Lee Strobel.
Excavating the Evidence for Jesus - Dr. Titus Kennedy.
I Don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist - Norman Geisler and Frank Turek.
The Passionate Translation Bible - (New Testament, Psalms, Proverbs, Song of Solomon) Dr. Brian Simmons.